PASS Pro – version

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This research project aims to develop a set of tools that cover multiple levels of screening according to the conditions of resources such as personnel or budgets available in that area. By focusing on the use of techniques Hearing screening by pointing the corresponding image from listening to Thai speaking sounds which can be developed to be accurate.Must be accurate, suitable for Thai people

Preliminary hearing test set Used in hearing screening for preschoolers aged between 4-5 years via the PASS Pro-version application installed on tablet devices or mobile phones, Android or iOS 

By Application “PASS Pro – version” Properties are as follows

– Thai vocabulary set that has been designed and trained by a hearing correction specialist

– able to filter conversations with English words, must be used with the recommended headphones

– Available both at home (in-house) and in organizations (organization use) such as hospitals and schools, where home users must receive identity verification. (User verification) by system administrator

– Developed from research that has been published in academic journals

– The test results are kept for both equipment installed for training and sent on the data system to summarize the test results, with the data protected. R.B.E. Personal information information. Prof. 2019

Joint Research Center for National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), and Graduate Institute, Khon Kaen University Funded by the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) and Health System Research Institute (HSRI)