ขอเรียนเชิญฟังเสวนาวิชาการ หัวข้อ Leveraging technology for sustainability accounting: The road to carbon neutrality ในงานประชุมวิชาการระดับนานาชาติ The 20th Asian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference

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Tentative Programme
The 20th Annual Conference of the Asian Academic Accounting Association

26-28 November 2023
Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Hotel, Khon Kaen, Thailand


November 26, 2023
08.00-08.30 am. Registration
09.00-16.00 pm. Cultural and Community-based tour by a travel agency
16.00-17.00 pm. Warmest welcome reception (at Bayasita, KKU)
18.00-20.00 pm Thai Loikratong Festival (optional)
18.00/20.00 pm. To accommodation
Note: This activity is optional and will be charged separately from the conference fee. For more information about the tour, please CLICK HERE
November 27, 2023
08.30-09.00 am. Conference registration
09.00-09.30 am. Opening speech by the representative of the KKU president or the representative

Welcome speech by the Dean of KKBS

Speech by the Secretary of 4A – Professor Saudagaran

09.30-10.30 am. Panel discussion – Leveraging technology for sustainability accounting: The road to carbon neutrality.
1) Assoc. Prof. Haiyan Jiang
Department Director of Research Training,
Macquarie University, Australia2) Bing Yi Lee
PwC Partner in Singapore

3) Savanit Boonyasuwat, Ph.D.
A member of BCG Model Pillar,
The Federation of Thai Industries

4) Charika Channuntapipat, Ph.D.
Research fellow in sustainable development,
Thailand Development Research Institution: TDRI

10.30-11.00 am. Break
11.00-12.30 pm. Concurrent Session 1A
Concurrent Session 1B
12.30-13.30 pm. Lunch
13.30-15.00 pm. Concurrent Session 2A
Concurrent Session 2B
15.00-15.30 pm. Break
15.30-17.00 pm. Concurrent Session 3A
Concurrent Session 3B
18.30-21.00 pm. Dinner
November 28, 2023
09.00-010.30 am. Concurrent Session 4A
Concurrent Session 4B
10.30-11.00 am Break
11.00-12.30 pm. Concurrent Session 5A
Concurrent Session 5B
12.30-13.30 pm. Lunch
13.30-15.00 pm. Concurrent Session 6A
Concurrent Session 6B
TBA Annual General Meeting of Asian Academic Accounting Association